Comedian Leon Schuster, who recently had a fall at home, provided an update on his health. The 72-year-old entertainer fell while filming ‘Mr Bones 3’ last year and underwent surgery in August.
While recovering, he had another fall at home. Schuster is scheduled for another surgery but needs to lose 15kg beforehand to reduce complications.
Leon Schuster provides health update
Photo : Twitter
Famed South African comedian Leon Schuster, who recently had a fall at home, provided an update on his health.
The 72-year-old entertainer fell while filming ‘Mr Bones 3’ last year and underwent surgery in August. While recovering, he had another fall at home.
Speaking exclusively to YOU, Schuster shared, “I’ve been through a rough patch, man, through absolute hell. I’m a bit depressed.
This thing has been going on too long – it’s almost 10 months since my first back surgery.”
Regarding the second fall, Schuster said, “I got up confused and wanted to go to the toilet but I had no idea where I was. I got up, wet my pants, stepped in the urine and fell on my back.
Then I felt tremendous pain. I felt as if they could cut off my back and give the bones to the dogs. I just lay there and screamed. From then on everything went downhill.”
Tests revealed vertebrae damage.
“The doctors told me a spinal nerve in my vertebra had broken halfway. If it’d completely broken, I would’ve been paralysed for the rest of my life. The doctors managed to fix it but also warned if I fell again there would be no turning back,” he told the outlet.
Despite the challenges, Schuster remains grateful, saying, “I’m not in a good place, but I’m in a grateful place.
And that’s why I try to lie here in a straight position and keep my spirits up with a bit of light-heartedness.”
Schuster is scheduled for another surgery but needs to lose 15kg beforehand to reduce complications.
“The doctor told me he can only take away 50% of my pain. It’s a very delicate operation and if any mistake is made, it can have severe consequences.
Now I lie awake worrying whether I’ll survive, whether I’ll make it,” he told YOU.